Personal Project-Character Design Research

Character Design has never really been my forte but as I have chosen to do concept art I thought this would give me a chance to explore an area that I’ve never explored before. I have started a few digital pieces and some pencil sketches but overall I’m only starting to get into drawing now. To help aid me I have videos that my good friend Leanna has given  me tutorials on digital painting in Photoshop but I hope to use the techniques in Photoshop in Procreate as they are quite similar.

If your interested in buying the course I will be using I’ve added the link below –

Link to Aaron Blaise photoshop course-


Update –

Over the past while I’ve been more focused on the environments but I’ve still given the characters some thought. I would like to include an array of characters to really bring my story forward. So far I’ve only narrowed in on what has happened, why theses people have changed now I would like to explain what happened after the explosion.

To be continued…

So after this post I decided to include another character who is be my secondary character on the other island (Bad) called Elijah he will be a sidekick almost to Adrianna my main who ventures onto his turf to see the other side differences.

So to help develop these characters I looked into character artists who I will help inspire my work.

Cécile Dubois-Herry-



Frank Hanner-


I’ve never really had an interest in character design or animation so this was a completely new topic for me to explore. Looking through Cecile’s showreels was great as it gave me the chance to learn new industry terms and techniques that I’ve never heard of including Mocap which I’ve seen before but never knew the official terms. Researching this method was quite fun as this process looks fun to do within a studio. What I also noticed was the amount of time she was working within the studios which averaged at about 6 months which shocked me at first as I presumed she’d of been there at least a year to be it shows how quick time can fly when working on projects and just how quickly you’d be out of a job.

I included Frank Hanner as I love all things Disney researching Frank I know he has currently been working with Disney for 15 years on films such as Tangled, Bolt, Frozen, Chicken Little, Big Hero Six and Zootopia in the visual effects department, animation and miscellaneous.



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