Maya Bouncing Ball

Maya Bouncing Ball

This was are first class of using Maya 2018 to be honest was very nervous about this class as I have little to no knowledge of using this program apart from the work that I did over Christmas which was mainly research through videos that were provided by Alec and videos through Youtube, I also read through the Maya 2016 Handbook which was actually really useful in getting to know the program and the interface of Maya.

During the class I had taken notes which can be seen below. These were very helpful later when having to recreate the ball but having it moving forward.

Below is my bouncing ball that I created in class-

Then below is my homework bouncing ball-

First Attempt-

Second Attempt-

This exercise was very helpful in getting use to the program and the interface as well as the hotkey. Overall it took me a bit of time to get use to the functions/hotkeys but after a while I felt slightly confident in what I was trying to achieve and felt proud of my first piece of Maya animation.

While at the library I was researching through different animation books when I found pages on the Bouncing ball which really helped me in creating the video above. The pages below are the ones that I was looking at-

These pages are from two books the first is called Timing for Animation by Harold Whitaker and John Halas and the second book was Animator’s Notebook by Tony White’s. These two books were very interesting and were also very helpful in terms of weight, the 12 principals and the timing of the ball and how these will affect each other.


  • Tony White. 2017. Tony White’s Animator’s Notebook. [S.I.]. CRC Press.
  • John Halas,Harold Whitaker. 1981. Timing for Animation. London. Focal Press.


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