Personal Project- Procreate Research

To start the next part of my project I’ve decided to look into procreate which is a digital painting app. As I’ve stated before I have little experience in this area of art and that is the reason I have chosen to do concept art as my personal project as this will give me a chance to explore digital art in more depth.

For my birthday I purchased an I Pad Pro a I thought it would help aid me with my digital art as I also purchased the Apple Pencil, my experience this far hasn’t been as much as a struggle as I thought it would be as I had previously been using the Intuos graphics tablet and couldn’t get the hang of it.

Below are some videos that I started to watch to get a better understanding of the app and then started to explore line art and blending. I hope these videos will aid me in the work that I want to produce.

Below is my notes from the various videos above I gave learned a lot from these videos so hopefully they will aid me in creating my concepts.

My Notes-





This videos really aided me in working with the procreate app to start of course there is much progress to be made but I am really loving the app so fair and from the videos that I have watched I have learned a considerably amount and have applied it to my current piece that I’m working on.

Working digitally has definitely sped up my work process but also slowed me down to some extent because I have to do a little research in order to achieve the best results possible. I understand that my work will not look as good the first 10 pieces but I will continue to create even though they won’t look like much but I’ll continue on anyway.

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